What is Wot Does about?
Welcome to Wot Does a website devoted to every phrase or saying in the human language. Wot is the slang word for What. So here at Wot does we ask the question, wot does this mean to all of the quirky sayings that have been in our language for years.
We uncover the slang and phrases from all different continents. Including good old fashioned Cockney rhyming slang which originated in London. Where do the rhyming slang words come from, what do the phases mean?
On Wot does you will find a selection of English idioms, phrases, sayings, slang and proverbs explained. We love the way history has translated different words and saying’s in to different things but do you ever wonder where they derive from?
When your mate in the pub comes out some Cockney rhyming slang such as I’ll just get the Jack and Jill or my old skin and blister let’s look in to it a bit more detailed!Did you ever want to know the saying behind “you couldn’t swing a cat in here” or “ bite the bullet” We have the answers!
Just go and ask wot does this mean?
Wot Does Team
We are just like two peas in a pod and after a lifetime of friendship we have built our own. Business together. Collectively we write a cruise blog called Cruising for all as well as this website Wot Does.
We are Sarah Christie and Donna Vallance. We write over at Extraordinary Chaos, and likelovedo which are two UK Craft and Lifestyle blogs. Sarah is based in a village not far from Manchester and Donna is in Essex just outside of London. We both have a passion for new adventures, travel, theatre, interiors, food and craft.

Craft Bloggers at Heart
We are both mad crafters! Sarah work with various craft brands and Donna is an ambassador for Silhouette Uk. Having craft as a hobby it has naturally turned in to a job.
Blogging has been part of our lives for so long! Donna starting her first blog in 2006 and Sarah in 2014
We both met through our day job in hairdressing before going on to teaching level 2 and 3 hairdressing.
Work Life And Blogging
Sarah Christie and Extraordinary Chaos
To explore more of our websites you can follow Sarahs latest family meals, cake, slimming world and cocktail recipes. You will also find endless craft tutorials and Free Layered Cricut SVGs over at Extraordinary Chaos.

Donna Vallance and Likelovedo
Donna also writes about Crafts particularly Scrapbooking and you can find Free Layered SVGs over at likelovedo too. She also writes about Curly Hair and travel. Her latest adventure is the new website likelovelondon a london travel blog!

Sarah and Donna at Cruising for all
Not only can do we write this blog ABC colouring you can also find us both over at Cruising For All. Cruising for all is a website dedicated to cruise travel.

Some of the brands we have worked with.

Featured On
Walt Disney World Web Site
Mark Warner Family Ambassador 2017


Contact Sarah at: travelingchristie@gmail.com